Our Story


People might tell you stories about how superior opened their eyes for one of the fastest growing sports in the world. They might tell you, that if it wasn’t for us, MMA in Sweden as we know it today, wouldn’t exist. They might even tell you that we gave them something to believe in and somewhere to belong.

We like those people and we like their stories. They´re a part of us and we´re a part of them.

We could tell you stories about how a small country as Sweden has risen to produce some of the top MMA fighters in the world. We could tell you stories about tattooed logos, people nodding knowingly in recognition of a brand and arguments that came to a friendly stand-off in respect of a common symbol.

At the end of the day, all we did was to believe in ourselves and the sport we love. That, a lot of hard work and a little help from our friends.

Because that’s what it all comes down to: friendship, faith and MMA. That’s the nitty gritty of it.

This is where we stand. This is why we fight. This is superior.

This is MMA.

/Johan Riddarström
Creative Director, Superior Group International